Main Article Content
Background: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV, weakening the immune system and has become a global pandemic. Using of anti-HIV drugs (ARVs) is the only effective therapy to control
the amount of virus in the patient's body. People with HIV/AIDS are under mainly outpatient ARV treatment during their lifetime to maintain and improve their health.
Aims: 1. Assessing the level of adherence to ARV treatment of HIV/AIDS patients at Da Nang City Dermatology Hospital in 2022; 2. Identify some factors related to the adherence to ARV treatment.
Patients and method: The research used the cross - sectional method, analyses and tretrospect for over 260 medical records of patients who are receiving ARV treatment in Dermatology hospital Danang from
August 2022 to May 2023.
Ressults and conclusions: The result of research showed the men patients account for 82,3% of total pateints who under to ARV therapeutic method, the average age of patients following this research is at 34.6 ± 10.4. The percentage of patients compling with ARV treatment was assessed by USAID's Multidimensional Assessment Toolkit with 03 levels: high level is 44.2%, medium level is 38.2%, and low level is 17.7%. Factors related to treatment adherence: Education level (OR = 1.5; KTC 95%: 0.8 - 2.7); side effects of using drugs (OR = 7; 95% CI: 2.8 - 17.5); alcohol using (OR = 2.6; 95% CI: 1.2 - 4.1); treatment duration (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.2 - 3.5); Difficulties of taking medication (OR = 2.2; 95% CI: 1.2 - 4.1).
Recommendations: It is necessary to focus on patient consultations about the side effects of taking drugs, alcohol using, the ways of medication reminder: Using phones, alarm - clocks or someone’s support. Patients must prepare enough medication when going away from home and get support from their family, friends and peer groups.
Article Details
Human immunodefficiency virus, HIV/AIDS, ARV, compliance
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