Main Article Content
Background: Cirrhosis is a common chronic disease caused by various factors. Rubber band ligation of varices is an effective treatment method for patients with gastrointestinal bleeding (GI bleeding) due
to portal hypertension (PHT). From July 2023 to July 2024, we performed esophageal and gastric varices ligation for 90 cirrhotic patients.
The aim of this study: To evaluate the treatment outcomes of patients with GI bleeding due to PHT using endoscopic rubber band ligation.
Patients and methods: The study involved 90 patients treated with rubber band ligation of varices. This is a descriptive, retrospective study.
Results: Males were more predominant than females (7:1); hepatitis B virus infection and alcohol abuse (82%) were the two most common risk factors in cirrhotic patients. Patients in the Child-Pugh stages B and
C accounted for 67.8%; esophageal varices ligation accounted for the majority (93.3%). The success rate of hemostasis was 95.6%. Chest pain (18.9%) was the most common complication after esophageal varices
Conclusions: Endoscopic rubber band ligation of esophageal varices is an effective treatment method with few complications; therefore, it should be performed when indicated to improve treatment outcomesu
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Article Details
Gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal varcies, portal hypertension
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